JUMP TODeveloper DashboardGetting StartedAuthenticationMy RequestsBetaSeries APIBadgesReturns badge detailsgetCollectionsDisplay collection's datagetDelete a collection from the identified user [Premium feature]deleteCreate/Update a collection for the identified user [Premium feature]postDisplay the list of all collections of the membergetCommentsGet commentsgetRetrieve a given commentgetCreate or edit a comment for the specified itempostDelete a comment from the identified userdeleteRetrieve the replies of a given commentgetCreate a comment for an eventpostSubscribe the member to email notifications for the given itempostUnsubscribe the member from email notifications for the given itemdeleteAdd a vote for the user for the given commentpostRemove the user's vote for the given commentdeleteRetrieve the status of comments on the given item (closed or open)getEpisodesRate an episodepostRemove a ratingdeleteRetrieve the list of episodes to watch.getMark an episode as downloadedpostRemove the downloaded markdeleteMark an episode as watchedpostUnmark an episode as watcheddeleteDisplay information of an episodegetRetrieve episode informationgetRetrieve episode informationgetRetrieve the latest aired episodegetRetrieve the next episodegetMark an episode as not to watchpostRemove an episode from the hidden listdeleteRetrieve the list of watched and unrated episodesgetFriendsRetrieves friends ListgetRetrieves sent requestsgetAdds a friendpostRemoves a frienddeleteBlocks a userpostUnblocks a userdeleteMembersDeletes filterdeleteRetrieves member optionsgetStandard member authenticationpostOAuth AuthenticationpostOAuth2 Access TokenpostReturns member informationgetReturns available usernamesgetModifies user optionpostChecks token activitygetDestroys active tokenpostDisplays member badgesgetDisplays latest notificationsgetDeletes a notificationdeleteCreates new member accountpostMember searchgetSearches members among friendspostPassword reset emailpostUploads and replaces user avatarpostDeletes user avatardeleteUploads user bannerpostRemove the bannerdeleteChange the localepostRetrieve the email addressgetChange the email addresspostChange the passwordpostReturns yearly member statisticsgetInitiates account deletion processpostMessagesRetrieve the member's inboxgetRetrieve a discussiongetMark a message as readpostDelete a messagedeleteSend a messagepostMoviesShow movie detailsgetAdd or update a moviepostRemove a moviedeleteDisplay the list of all moviesgetDisplay all movies of a membergetDisplay a random moviegetSearch for a moviegetRetrieve movie informationgetDisplay all available genresgetRate a moviepostRemove a movie ratingdeleteRetrieve similar moviesgetRetrieve the cast of the movie.getRetrieve favorite moviesgetAdd a favorite moviepostRemove a favorite moviedeleteDisplay upcoming moviesgetDisplay movies to discovergetDisplay blog articles about the moviegetNewsDisplay the latest newsgetAuthenticationRetrieve an access token with the code provided by OAuth 2 authenticationpostRetrieve a code to present to the user for identification on a remote device (e.g., Television)postPersonsDisplay details of the actorgetDisplay news articlesgetPicturesReturn a picture of the membergetReturn a picture of the episodegetReturn a picture of the showgetReturn an image of the badge (32x32)getReturn an image of the charactergetReturn an image of the persongetReturn an image of the moviegetReturn an image of the show's seasongetReturn an image of the SVOD or VOD platformgetPlanningDisplay all episodes broadcastedgetDisplay the schedulegetDisplay only the first episode of the upcoming seriesgetPlatformsDisplay the SVOD and VOD platforms available in the countrygetDisplay the different services a user can havegetAdd the service to the user's subscriptionspostRemove the service from the user's subscriptionsdeletePollsDisplay the latest active pollgetDisplay the details of a pollgetDisplay the latest active pollgetDisplay all pollsgetSend a response to a pollpostReportsCreate a report for the elementpostRequest an update for the elementpostSearchReturn search results for all types of elements.getReturn series search results with advanced filters.getReturn movie search results with advanced filters.getSeasonsMark all episodes of a season as watchedpostRemove all episodes of a season from watcheddeleteMark all episodes of a season as hiddenpostRemove all episodes of a season from hiddendeleteRate a seasonpostRemove a rating from a seasondeleteShowsRate a seriespostDelete a series ratingdeleteSearch for a series, with member information if a token is providedgetDisplay information about a seriesgetDisplay the list of all seriesgetDisplay a random seriesgetDisplay episodes of a seriesgetAdd a series to the member's accountpostRemove a series from the member's accountdeleteArchive a series in the member's accountpostRemove a series from the archives of the member's accountdeleteCreate a series recommendation from a member to a friendpostDelete a sent or received series recommendationdeleteChange the status of a received series recommendationputRetrieve recommendations received by the identified usergetRetrieve series marked as similargetRetrieve videos associated with the seriesgetRetrieve characters of the seriesgetRetrieve images of the seriesgetRetrieve the favorite series of the membergetAdd a favorite series to the profile of the identified memberpostRemove a favorite series from the profile of the identified memberdeleteUpdate tags for the given series of the identified memberpostDisplay the list of all series of the membergetDisplay the list of series to discovergetDisplay the list of series to discover on major SVoD platformsgetDisplay the list of available series genresgetDisplay the seasons of the seriesgetDisplay blog articles that talk about the seriesgetRetrieve the list of finished and unrated seriesgetSubtitlesDisplay the latest subtitles retrieved by BetaSeriesgetDisplay subtitles for a given showgetDisplay subtitles for a given episodegetDisplay subtitles for a season or all seasonsgetReports subtitles as incorrect to be removed from the list.postTagsDisplay all tags created by the connected membergetAdd a tag (or several) for the show (or movie) for the connected memberpostRemove a tag for the show (or movie) for the connected memberdeleteTimelineDisplay the latest events on the sitegetDisplay the latest events of the friends of the identified membergetDisplay the latest events of the friends of the identified membergetDisplay the latest events of the specified membergetDisplay a particular eventgetDisplay the latest events of the connected member about the specified showgetPowered by Create a series recommendation from a member to a friendpost https://api.betaseries.com/shows/recommendationCreate a series recommendation from a member to a friend.